Category: Indie Superhero Summer (Page 1 of 3)

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August 26, 2019

Indie Superhero Summer

Superhero fatigue? Not in this house.

It bugs me whenever I read another article about “superhero fatigue”.

I mean, part of this is personal, sure. As both a massive fan of the genre, and someone trying to make a career in superhero stories, the idea of superheroes turning into just another passing fad is obviously not something I relish.

But it’s also more than that. To me, saying “superhero fatigue” is the same as saying “sci-fi fatigue”, “mystery fatigue”, or “romance fatigue”. It dismisses the genre as a narrow niche, when really it’s so much broader than that.

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August 19, 2019

Indie Superhero Summer, Jenn Recommends

Jenn Recommends… Secondhand Origin Stories by Lee Blauersouth - #IndieSuperheroSummer

Not gonna lie, I loved this book.

I knew I would. Secondhand Origin Stories is the story of four teenagers—three, the children of an elite superhero team called the Sentinels, and the fourth as an aspiring would-be member. Now, I’m a sucker for stories that deal with the long-term effects of a world where superheroes are real, so, right out of the gate it’s got that going for it. But really, I bought this book for the incredible diversity represented within the characters, and oh man, it did not disappoint on that front. This book has most of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum represented, plus some good body-diversity going on, plus a number of disabilities, plus a wide range of racial and cultural backgrounds. Several of the identities are also intersectional, and all of these aspects were handled with what looks from the outside like effortless grace.

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August 12, 2019

Indie Superhero Summer

5 Superhero Moments I Love - #IndieSuperheroSummer

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of both the tropes and the cheese often associated with superheroes. While I appreciate stories that flip things on their head, subvert expectation, and critically examine what we’ve come to expect from the genre, I also just love it purely for the spectacle, and the familiar beats that so many of our favorite superhero stories manage to hit again and again. So today, I’m bringing you five of my favorite superhero “moments”—pieces of a story that we’ll all recognize, but that I will never get tired of watching play out.

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August 5, 2019

Guest Authors, Indie Superhero Summer

A Chat with Nancy O’Toole Meservier – #IndieSuperheroSummer

Hello friends, and welcome to the third and final interview of #IndieSuperheroSummer! Today I have the pleasure of welcoming Nancy O’Toole Meservier to the blog. Nancy is the author of Red and Black and it’s brand-new sequel, Black and Blue. This series is about fangirls turned superheroes, cute guys just trying to do the right-wrong thing, and an almost You’ve-Got-Mail type secret identity romance. In short, it’s simply adorable. Plus, we all know I have a soft spot for superhero stories that play into the splash of the genre, so I was really destined to like these books.

Nancy herself is also friendly and deeply enthusiastic about books (and comics!)—but then, what more would you expect from a librarian? You all should absolutely check out both her and her work. Come to her social media for the book talk, stay for the cat pictures. And on that note, let’s see what she has to say!

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July 29, 2019

Indie Superhero Summer

Super Resources - #IndieSuperheroSummer

Even though superhero fiction is fairly new to the world of written novels (at least in comparison to many other genres), there’s still a whole wealth of history and established tropes from other storytelling mediums. Whether you’re a writer looking to break in, or just a curious reader, there’s bound to be resources that will prove interesting, insightful, or just plain entertaining for you. Below, I’ve listed some of the ones that I’ve found the most useful as I’ve been working with my own superhero fiction. Enjoy!

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