Category: The Beacon Campaigns (Page 4 of 6)

May 29, 2015

Announcements, Fixing Fate, The Beacon Campaigns

Fixing Fate Release Day!

And we’re off! Fixing Fate is uploaded to all major retailers, and the ebook has already popped up as available for purchase on most of them. Paperbacks usually take a little bit longer to show up, but don’t worry, they’re on their way just the same. :)

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May 24, 2015

Announcements, Fixing Fate, The Beacon Campaigns

Fate has been Fixed!

Or has it? I suppose that would be telling. ;) Nevertheless, Fixing Fate is DONE, and will be releasing this week in both ebook and paperback. I’ll be making an announcement post on the actual day that it drops, so watch this space. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm during the wait! I’m really proud of this book, and I hope that you all love it as much as I do.

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March 21, 2015

Announcements, Fixing Fate, Monthly Author Check-In, The Beacon Campaigns

Cover Reveal and Status Updates for “Fixing Fate”

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December 19, 2014

Announcements, The Beacon Campaigns, The Lady of Souls


The final proof has been approved! You can already order it straight through CreateSpace if you like, and it will start showing up in the first other online retailers (like Amazon) in a few days.

Excuse me while I do some spontaneous dancing.

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December 12, 2014

Announcements, The Beacon Campaigns

So I’m renaming my book series

I realize that it’s kind of an unusual thing to do after the book has already been released, but the truth is that I it was never supposed to be the final series title. It was a production name, created as an artistic choice that amused me, and NOT designed with marketing in mind. But by the time publication rolled around I had a zillion other things to worry about, and I thought that I could learn the live with it.

Turns out I can’t. And since I am still just getting started, I feel like now is kind of my last chance to do something about it.

Which means that The Lady of Souls is now Book One of The Beacon Campaigns.

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