January 11, 2018
Monthly Author Check-In
Author Check-In: WE’RE BACK, BABY!
So I hope that everyone had a great end to 2017, and that the start of this new year is treating you well. For me, well, 2017 was something of a mixed bag all around. It had some amazing highs in my personal and professional life, all stemming from the release of The Private Life of Jane Maxwell—which was just recently discussed/reviewed on Tor.com, and can I just take a second to say that I have literally no idea how to process this? I mean, if you had asked me beforehand to put aside all expectations and questions of realistic and practical, and said to pick one website for my book to appear on—like, go ahead and shoot for the stars, girl, it’s just a game—I may well have picked Tor.com.
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